Lost Padre Records is pleased as punch to host a pre-holiday get together Monday November 20th at the shop we’re calling An Autumnal Affair! Our guests are MEREDITH MOON, enchanting singer songwriter from way up in the North Country of Toronto, as well as her fellow traveler CHARLIE MARKS, who comes to us from the (to us Santa Feans) low desert environs of Reno, Nevada! Both of ’em are killers at the old banjo (and guitar)… which reminds us of our opener, local troubadour Westin McDowell, who’s pretty darn good when he turns his hand to pretty much any instrument!

This terrific trio of performers will start the music around 6:45 as you sip some hot tea and enjoy some baked goods… a little early calorie-loading to get that stomach ready for Thursday’s feast!

Free Entry — All Ages Welcome!