As you probably know, the current Stay-At-Home order for New Mexico expires THIS Friday, May 15th. We’re waiting to hear from the Governor and Department of Health who are apparently holding a press conference this afternoon.

It’s possible that the State of New Mexico will allow in-person retail business to resume for “non-essential” businesses such as ours following this press conference.  

What we want you to know is that we are preparing the shop for a return to in-person retail in order to keep you, and us, safe during this crazy time.  Those preparations include installing a hand sanitizer dispenser for customers, temporarily removing the listening station, spacing out the new arrivals section so that multiple customers can peruse it while not standing next to each other, mandating employee masks and so on. We’ll be limiting the number of customers in the store as well and stepping up our cleaning inside the shop.

We also want you to know that we do NOT expect all of our customers to return in person right away.  It’s an uncertain time and everyone must make the best decisions for themselves.  We will continue to do direct-to-you orders from our distributors via email and phone as well as simple pickup service for in-store stock.

We will also be buying used records just as soon as we are able to open our doors.  We’re working on the safest procedure to begin this essential element of our business.

If you want to be the first to know when we announce a reopen date, please follow us on Instagram or Facebook. It will likely get announced there a little earlier than on this website.

THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have sent messages, bought gift certificates, reshared out posts on social media– we wouldn’t still be here without you! We’re not going down without a fight!